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I love to cook. But I want to make dishes that are lower in calories than those I was used to eating. To make dishes that are still flavorful and satisfying, I strip down dishes to their "essential flavors". These are the key ingredients that provide the flavors we love so much about a dish. I then recreate the dish with just those components. The result is low calorie dishes you'll love to eat!

Be Game Day Ready with this Buffalo Wing Cauliflower Appetizer

It can be argued that October is the richest month for sports as the US. Major League Baseball playoffs begin in early October. The professional football season is picking up. College football is well underway. Hockey has begun and before the month is out, basketball season will have started. Whatever your sport, there’s sure to be some TV viewing happening in many living rooms around the country. And usually this also involves some eating and drinking. But before you reach for greasy chips or cheesy fried nachos, try this Buffalo Wing Cauliflower appetizer. It has all the flavor of Buffalo chicken wings but without all the fat and calories. Cauliflower adds crunch and is nutritious. Authentic Buffalo Chicken Wing sauce satisfies your craving for something spicy.

Serving Size: 1 cup
Number of servings: 6
Calories per serving: 28
Ingredients Calories
600 grams of raw cauliflower
2 Tbsp Buffalo Wing sauce
Buffalo Wing Cauliflower Ingredients
Cut the cauliflower into bite-sized florets.

Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Salt the water liberally. Add the cauliflower florets into the boiling water. Cook the cauliflower florets until they are tender (approximately 10-12 minutes).

Drain the cauliflower florets and place them in a large bowl. Add the Buffalo Wing sauce to the warm cauliflower florets and stir the cauliflower florets until they are completely coated with the sauce.

Place the cauliflower florets in a serving bowl. Serve.

Barbara's Tips
It’s best to add the Buffalo Wing Sauce to the cauliflower when the cauliflower is still warm. This way, the sauce will be absorbed into the cauliflower for a stronger taste.

The Buffalo Wing Cauliflower can be served warm or at room temperature.

You can make your own Buffalo Wing Sauce but I just buy it at the grocery store ready-made. There are lots of varieties to choose from. Because it is intense in flavor, you don’t have to use very much.

Essential Flavors
Ginger Buffalo Wing Sauce: is a tangy, spicy sauce made with melted butter, hot sauce, vinegar, Worcestershire, garlic powder, salt and Cayenne pepper. Commercial ready-to-use wing sauce is made with varying levels of spiciness (mild, medium, hot). Buffalo Wing sauce is traditionally used with chicken wings but has become popular in other applications such as French fries, chicken fingers, shrimp and even pizza! It pairs perfectly with vegetables too.