About this blog

I love to cook. But I want to make dishes that are lower in calories than those I was used to eating. To make dishes that are still flavorful and satisfying, I strip down dishes to their "essential flavors". These are the key ingredients that provide the flavors we love so much about a dish. I then recreate the dish with just those components. The result is low calorie dishes you'll love to eat!

Make Poached Eggs the First Meal of the New Year

Now that the holidays are officially over, it’s time to get back to our normal routines and put all that overindulging behind us. No more cookies, egg nog, glazed hams, or sweet potato casseroles. Make the first meal of the year be this healthy breakfast dish. Not only are eggs nutritious, they are satisfying and delicious. A poached egg with a silky, buttery yolk satisfies your taste for something rich and creamy. Radishes, cucumber and sprouts keep it light and fresh.

Serving Size: 1 Egg
Number of servings: 2
Calories per serving: 95
Ingredients Calories
2 large eggs
1 slice of lite whole wheat bread
2 radishes, sliced
12 slices of cucumber
(approx 50 grams)
¼ cup radish sprouts
1 Tbsp white vinegar
Poached Egg Ingredients
Fill a small saucepan about 2/3 full with water and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat and wait until the water reduces to a simmer. Add the vinegar to the simmering water.

Crack an egg into a ladle or measuring cup. Using the handle of a wooden spoon, quickly stir the water in one direction until it’s smoothly spinning around, creating a whirlpool. Carefully drop the egg into the center of the whirlpool. Cook the egg until the white turns opaque and is firm to the touch but the yolk is still runny (approximately 2-3 minutes).

Using a slotted spoon, remove the egg from the water. Blot the bottom of the spoon on a paper towel to remove any excess water.

Toast the slice of bread until golden brown. Cut the toast in half diagonally. Place one half of the toasted bread on a plate. Place the egg on top of the toast. Salt and pepper the egg to taste. Garnish the plate with the radishes and cucumber slices. Top the egg with the radish sprouts. Serve.

Barbara's Tips
Use very fresh eggs for poaching. They hold their shape better and form fewer wispy threads in the water.

Adding vinegar to the poaching water will help the egg whites to coagulate more quickly.

Creating a whirlpool in the water before dropping in the egg will help prevent the egg white from “feathering” or spreading out in the pan.

Essential Flavors
Egg Eggs: are a versatile ingredient used in many applications both sweet and savory. They are especially popular in breakfast dishes. Egg yolks have a rich, buttery taste. Their flavor is greatly enhanced with the addition of a little salt. The darker the egg yolk, the more flavorful (and nutrient rich) the egg yolk is.