About this blog

I love to cook. But I want to make dishes that are lower in calories than those I was used to eating. To make dishes that are still flavorful and satisfying, I strip down dishes to their "essential flavors". These are the key ingredients that provide the flavors we love so much about a dish. I then recreate the dish with just those components. The result is low calorie dishes you'll love to eat!

Say I Love You with Tomato and Heart-Shaped Mozzarella

What better way to say I love you than to cook for someone? With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, here is a cute appetizer you can make that will set the mood for a nice romantic evening. Heart-shaped mozzarella slices say I love you. Tomatoes and balsamic glaze make it sweet. Basil unites the two flavors for a truly Italian appetizer.

Serving Size: 3 Tomato Slices
3 Mozzarella Slices
Number of servings: 2
Calories per serving: 129
Ingredients Calories
1 medium tomato
(approx 150 grams)
3 oz fresh mozzarella
1 Tbsp balsamic glaze
6 basil leaves
Tomato Bocconcini Ingredients
Slice the tomato into six ¼ inch slices. Slice the fresh mozzarella into six ⅛ inch slices. Stamp out heart shapes from the mozzarella slices using a 2 inch heart-shaped cookie cutter.

Lay the tomato slices on a plate. Salt the tomato slices to taste. Add a basil leaf and a heart-shaped mozzarella slice on top of each tomato slice. Salt the mozzarella slices.

Drizzle the balsamic glaze over the tomato mozzarella slices. Serve.

Barbara's Tips
You can buy ready-made balsamic glaze or make your own. If you choose a store bought brand, opt for one that has 20 calories or less.

To make the balsamic glaze, pour the ¼ balsamic vinegar into a small sauce pan and bring to a boil. Once it has reached a boil, reduce the heat and allow the vinegar to simmer until the vinegar has reduced by half (approximately 10 minutes). Remove the balsamic vinegar from the heat and cool completely. Some people add a little bit of sugar to balsamic glaze to sweeten it up, but I find it sweet enough without the addition of extra sugar.

Essential Flavors
Basil Basil: is an herb that is often paired with tomatoes. Fresh basil is very aromatic with a scent of lemon, anise and mint. The taste is sweet but savory. It’s a good way to add flavor and some freshness to a dish without adding extra calories.

Balsamic Glaze Balsamic Glaze: is just balsamic vinegar that has been reduced down until it is thick and syrupy. It has an intense, sweet flavor and is a great way to add lots of flavor to a dish without adding lots of extra calories or fat.